well, a friend of mine brought to my attention that i could be consuming too FEW calories and my metabolism has adjusted and that has resulted in this plateau. completely feasible but how do i reverse it? i dont know. all i know is, i stepped my workout game up and sometimes i do fall off and eat some stuff i had absolutely no business. what's my trial and error solution? im going back on South Beach. that's how i lost that first 20 lbs almost a year ago and they are still gone. i stopped doing that and now im stuck at this stupid, unattractive weight.
that diet was in no way fun. i would be CONSTANTLY eating because i was constantly hungry. i cant tell you how many sugar-free this and 10 calorie that i consumed. this also means i have to purchase my own groceries because my parents are NOT having any parts of this mess.
6 thought(s):
interesting!...and for you...
"lpve is the one who masters all things."
Mawlãnã Rumi
oooooooooh, south beach works, but is kinda difficult if you get tired of eatig the same thing. if you have adventurous taste, then its easier, but i don't know that many people who actually enjoy hummus and ricotta cheese for dessert (besides me). good luck!
you should eat about 5X but in small quantites....and protein too. loads of it and fruits
Losing weight can be challenging but you can do it Antithesis. I forgot the exact number but along the lines of Wiz we should be eating 5-6 small meals every 2 hours...something like that. It keeps our meatabolism working well.
Wishing you the best on your weight loss journey.
I'm right there with ya trying to lose my remaining pounds....sigh
I agree with Wiz...
They say that you need to eat 5 to 6 small meals to keep your metabolism going. I'm not sure if this works, but at any rate good luck!! :-)
Also - when you plateau in your weight loss, then you need to switch up your workout. Try increasing your intensity or doing different exercises. If you've been jogging on the treadmill, then take an aerobics or spinning class. Also, make sure that you are doing a mix of weight training and cardio.
Good luck!
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