welcome week

Monday, August 31, 2009
today marks a day of return. i'm returning to my blog (maybe still sporadically) and it's back to school time. classes start and all hecticness begins for me today.

remember those staples commercials where the father is DELIGHTED that his kids are going back to school? ive gone from not thinking they were very funny to actually enjoying them but they still remind me of unpleasantness. they are my unofficial end of summer once they start airing. before, it was my own return to school that pissed me off. now, not only am i going back to classes (which isnt nearly as bad), i know that area kids are back in school. that means: louder/more crowded bus rides. not to mention my high school, located in the middle of my grad school campus, has finished being renovated and has re-opened. the area is crawling with rowdy teens and guess what? the building i'll be in most doing my practicum is literally next door to the school. almost touching!

what's practicum/internship? expect to see posts about the rigors of a counselor-in-training in the coming months. you'll know more than you want about how complicated they are trying to make my existence. unfortunately, i cant share anything with you that's confidential such as details about my clients. i know, that sucks b/c i really want ya'll to know some of this stuff, but i'll try and keep it interesting.


Sunday, August 30, 2009
if you have been following my updates on twitter, you know that for the past few weeks i've been "delete-happy" on facebook. for those who were my friends on facebook: no, i did not delete you. we'll, not directly. i deleted my account altogether. the people i continually omitted from my deleting spells were the same people who i regularly contact through other media. there was just no point of me continuing to frequent that site. after being on since like 2004, i was just over it. so there you have it. goodbye, facebook. unlike other times, i probably wont be coming back.

what you dont know is your own fault

Friday, August 14, 2009
things not explained to me prior to becoming relaxed/texturized/whatever-you-want-to-call-it:

1. if you are going to do anything other than wear your hair straight, you have to do your hair pretty much daily

2. your hair will always be DRY. there is not much you can do about it

3. products that made your natural hair look and feel good have no power over the chemical

4. 6-8 weeks go by quicker than you ever realized and that time period was selected for a reason

5. your new growth might scare you/hurt

6. you will somehow be more tenderheaded than before