solange. so what? sue me! so because she is overshadowed by her older sibling, she should be ignored by everyone? give the child a chance. don't compare her to bey because, no she is no match but she is an artist in her own right. no, she cannot sing but she has something decent to say. she's no more tone deaf than rihanna or ashanti. she is not as attractive as her older sister and sometimes i get on bey for having what i call "solange" days. i have to empathize with her for being herself and not a carbon copy of her sister. she does have her own style rather than completely riding on beyonce's coat-tails. her latest attempt, (i dont know how well recieved it was), i enjoy it. and its something about that chick's style i like. she cant dress, per se, but i can somehow tolerate her. so what am i saying here?
i guess i'm saying listen to her or dont. but dont talk sh*t about her. especially if you have never heard one song in it's entirety.
10 thought(s):
i like her too...but then again, i can't stand her sister.
"no, she cannot sing but she has
something decent to say."
This has me falling out of my chair at work. Too funny!
@PCD- i like her sister enough (mostly in pictures, i get tired of her voice after a while).
@ T- i thought YOU were the comedian. but was i lyin?
i've heard one song she has, it sounds pretty good. i thought she'd come in the mold of Beyonce but she hasn't, she has her own style. i like that about her.
i read on a blog where she's been getting bad press concerning her negative and unwarranted remarks towards a news anchor during an interview.
controversy sells, so i guess she knows what she's doing. lol.
LOL reading your post had me LOL as you listed that she can't sing well, can't dress etc...lol but I totally get what you are saying. I like her recent songs.
OK let me first say that I have neva liked Solange in the first place and had neva compared her to beyonce.
LOL@ "no more tone deaf than Ashanti"
That AIN"T saying a whole lot there! I actually don't mind Solange's voice and you're right, her songwriting skills are pretty good. I think that's part of the reason that I liked B too cause you know she helped big sis write about half the songs on her albums
I like Solange. I think she's unique!
i like her too! her music atleast
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