my internet pop-up blocker works great. but i need a real life one like i need an 'undo' button. don't you just hate when people pop back up into your life? it's like "you were gone. the reason doesn't matter. maybe there are really no hard feelings. but what exactly is your purpose now? what do you want?".
if people get bored, they feel like they need to contact me. i'll be the first to tell you i'm not the most fun person. at times i can be funny but im not the chick you say, "call her. you are GUARANTEED a good time". so what's that all about. weird, huh?
*note* i do not have a pc. i am very much a mac lover but that was the only picture to illustrate my point.
5 thought(s):
I got a bunch of pop ups when my first book came out. Some good, most just kinda weird.
I don't hate pop-ups, but I can relate to this post so much RIGHT NOW that I won't even comment any further.
I am really cracking up right now. I just did a pop up in someones life..lol just to say hey what's new. I didn't even think that some people would not like pop ups. Personally as long as I had a good relationship with the person I never mind a pop up.
Man I have this one guy who has been popping up since we met in Feb of 2005. He popped up soooo randomly in 2007 (hadn't had any communication in almost 2 years), and then again just a month or so ago. But I never click on the link. I close the browser and keep it moving. Should this be considered a virus if this continues to happen?
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