i was tired of nicks as a result of shaving my legs plus the stubble the next day was no picnic either, so i sought an alternative. i knew Nair and Veet were good products. nair was a little more familiar because i remembered HATING the smell as a kid. people were saying nair had changed and their advertising had changed so i decided to give them a chance. plus this package claimed to contain vitamin E and cocoa butter (love the smell of cocoa butter).
this $4 (sale price) mess still stinks, leaves a weird feeling on and wont wash off my hands, and burned the skin a little of my leg after the recommended MINIMUM 3 mins. i will NOT be purchasing this product again. the burn wasnt even worth it because there was still some visible hair after use. it was as if it just trimmed the hair in some areas.
verdict: i shoulda went with Veet
8 thought(s):
Sorry to hear that! I remember using Nair back in high school and it just never really worked. There was always hair left over- so what's the point? Oh, and let's not get started on the smell! LOL!
ooh sorry you had this experience. I think I am going to try Nads, that blob looking product that removes hair. I see that it is sold in CVS now and since watching the informercial as a kid I think I need to try this.
I'm also sick of shaving and was thinking about giving Nair another shot for the same reasons you did. Glad I didn't. Thanks for the review!
PJD - Nads didn't work for me.
This is one of the benefits that men have over women. We bathe and call it a day.
let us know how veet goes cuz i've never used that
lmao @ don...
but yea, i've used nair on the cooter and no harm done. iono girly. guess it aint for everyone.
Oh no, that sucks!! I've never used Nair, but I swear by Veet ever since I tried it a few months ago. It works perfectly for me, without any complaints. Although it is a bit smelly...give it a try and let us know what you think.
I've tried Nair and Veet because like you, I hated getting nicked. Neither work, so now I have my legs and love box professionally waxed.
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