T recently made a post on opening an Orange Savings Account with ING Direct. this bank also offers investment accounts through it's ShareBuilder program. i opened one this weekend. owning stock has been on my mind since junior year of high school. i never had a real job (still don't) so it was not a viable option. it's a bit more plausible now since i have a little bit of reliable income. so monthly i will be investing in Honda. when i get 100 shares of that (at the rate i'm going, the year 3000), i'll probably sell and get stock in an even more lucrative company.
i'm still learning all about investing and saving so this will be an interesting journey. whenever i get money, i feel overwhelmingly compelled to spend it. looking back over my earnings, i often have very little to show for the money i've spent. this is my first step toward financial independence. yay me!!!!!
7 thought(s):
Thanks for the shout out. That's so great that you're investing. I didn't even know they offered that program, I'll have to look into it.
How'd you pick Honda to buy shares in?
FInancial independence seems to be the plan for every breathing person in America. I see that you have decided to step your money game up, at an early game. Good deal.
This is huge! I'm happy for you. I have been dragging my feet but I need to get on ING also. thanks for the reminder.
Good luck!!! It's always good to learn and start while you're young. You're definitely making a move in the right direction!! Keep it up! :-)
@ t- i chose honda because that's what i drive and everyone in my family owns one. plus its doing well. better than ford, right now.
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