i have a problem with excessive sweating. i have tried the clinical versions of secret and degree deodorants as well as mitchum and certain dri. all to no avail. the good news is though i sweat profusely, i dont smell. the stronger deodorants also irritate me because i have sensitive skin. i have discovered a GREAT alternative. it doesn't eliminate sweating completely but it comes pretty damn close. what is this magical product? it's Clinique antiperspirant!

it's available in department stores like macy's and nordstrom or wherever there is a Clinique counter. what's also awesome about it is it's just $8. if you suffer from a similar problem you know that you can easily pay $8 or $9 for the aforementioned drugstore brands unless you have a coupon. the sales lady asked "how many?" when i went to make my purchase and now i regret saying "just one". but what if it didn't work? oh well, next time i know to stock up.
i know it seems counter-intuitive to apply something wet to an area you don't want to be wet. however, give this stuff a second to dry (it wont cut into your morning routine at all) and you are all set! the great thing about it is it prevents excessive wetness and there is not itching, burning or giving out after a couple hours. i dont mind that its unscented. and when i say unscented, i mean it. not that clinical smell the other store brands have that claim to be unscented. no more competing with my perfume or body mist!
3 thought(s):
OMG! thanx for the update...i too love extra strong deodorants cuz in the summer, i sweat hard sometimes too! headed to nordstrom's....
Thanks for the review. I am glad you found something that works well.Have a great weekend.
Great review!! I was thinking about doing a post on deodorants but you've beat me to the punch! ;-)
My absolute favorite is the Dove cucumber and aloe one. It smells heavenly and doesn't leave those white marks on my clothes!
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