i have probably 8 teddy bears piled up in a corner in my room. i took some of them to college with me, got some more there, and got one when i came back home. theyre really useless to me now. i slept with the occasionally as recently as last year when i was having a bad time but ive kinda outgrown them. i know there's one i will keep that used to change color when u washed it but my mom washed it in the wrong temperature water and it stopped working. now it's in some hybrid of pink/purple. ive had it for longer than i can remember and i cant part with it. the rest, i think i will donate.
do you have any things from your childhood still? where are your stuffed animals? What are you keeping them for?
1 thought(s):
you know, I have no idea where my teddy bears are. The last I checked they were in a plastic bag in the basement. But that was so long ago. I'm sure my mom and stepfather have since thrown them away. I'm ok with that.
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