
Friday, October 9, 2009
i have a big "to do" list but, as promised, i will get a real video tutorial out next week. i really wish i had columbus day off so i could work on it but higher education is phasing out the observance of that non-holiday. i never got the day off at spelman while my friends at majority schools did. now, it looks like GW will completely ignore it. to make matters worse, i have a mid-term exam on monday. so between studying, scheduled maintenance, laundry, and football, i will get out to you the video i suspect will take the longest. stay tuned for the purple and gold "laker" look i did back in a june post. i'll do the complete look since i did my foundation differently and had on blush and all that. see ya soon.

2 thought(s):

urbanfrugalchick said...

We will be waiting! Visit us...

T said...

We didn't get Columbus day, but we always got MLK Day, which is absolutely what's up. I get it at work now too. Living in Illinois does have it's perks.