goals, plans, aspirations

Thursday, September 2, 2010
PJD got on the request line for this month's series and asked that i speak on my goals in life. i'll take this time to share what im working toward career-wise and i'll explain why ive tried my best to avoid planning too far in advance.

you haven't seen too many posts on here about anything taking place more than about 6 months down the line. why? because although i tout myself as a thinker and planner, it's my belief that humans shouldn't count too much on there being a tomorrow. i remember a bible lesson about thinking ahead of yourself. what i took from it was not to be foolish and squander money but to also realize that God doesn't promise that you will see anything come into fruition. planning for the next 5 and 10 years is fine but don't be so arrogant as to really think that HAS to happen for you. of course, im a little shakey on my scripture (another topic for another day), so i cant direct you to the passage, nor can i clarify as much as i'd like.

the other reason i haven't been planning too far in advance is that i noticed that i'd been putting forth a lot of effort and energy to have something take place and others are like "yea, i did it the night before" and got equal or better results. im not one to wait til the last minute but im not doing anything 6 weeks in advance when there's a possibility that waiting can be advantageous. i'm trying to keep unnecessary stress at a minimum. i get stressed trying to make something happen far in advance. i choose to relax and deal with issues as they arise if it's something not that serious.

so what do i want to do with my life? i'm wrapping up my master's in clinical mental health. to do what? to become a therapist. what does it take to become a therapist? a master's degree, a national exam (to be taken in October), and 2 years of supervised work experience. where will i complete the 2 years? not sure. at a community mental health agency. this might be an outpatient or residential facility. what population do i wish to serve? children and adolescents. what will i specialize in? im undecided. my internship was in behavioral and emotional issues, as well as family issues. i will probably stay in with that focus. where will i work? for the 2 years, i will remain in DC, MD, VA metro area just because i can live at home if i need to and i know the area so that's one less concern for this stressful period. after then, im open. i think T has her bid in for the Chi so that's an option.

anything else you want to know about future career goals?

2 thought(s):

Product Junkie Diva said...

Thanks Antithesis. WOW I can just imagine your posts if you and T were running Chi town..lol
Wishing you the best.

T said...

This all sounds good to me and Chi has an open invitation for all fabulous people. :)